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CWA ably demonstrates ludicrousness of American Christian right's persecution complex

by Jeremy Hooper

As part of its summer fundraising pitch, Concerned Women For America is highlighting five cases of supposed Christian persecution. Here they are:

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The fourth bullet point is, in fact, an act of persecution. It's a human rights abuse. It's disgusting and has earned international condemnation.

The fifth bullet point is, in fact, an act of persecution. President Obama and his state department have called for the pastor's punishment and called for his release.

The first three bullet points? Not. Persecution. AT ALL. All three involve state nondiscrimination policies and a public business owner's desire to openly flout them. In all three, these business owners wanted to use their Christian faith to slight (some might even say persecute) fellow Americans simply because they did not like the request they were making. They wanted to deny goods that they readily and freely sell simply because they believe their faith gives them the right to limit the fair accommodation of others.

It is mind-blowing that CWA would group these situations together. At least it would be mind-blowing if I wasn't so familiar with the American Christian right and its unbelievable, insistent, self-centered, and downright hubristic "victim" routine.

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