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Did you miss NOM president's Twitter meltdown over repudiated Regnerus? It was fun.
It all started when the National Organization For Marriage president, for some reason known only to him, retweeted the following graphic, as if it were somehow helpful to his cause:
But then Brian decided to take it even further. In continued interaction with Scott Wooledge, the LGBT activist Memeographs founder who created the above graphic, NOM's president dug in his heels and continued to insist that the sweeping condemnation of Regnerus' "study" is all about politics and not science. This despite the fact that Brian's own organization promoted (and his friends and allies pretty much created) the study for the sake of politics! It is stunningly arrogant delusion:
It is well documented that the anti-LGBT movement wanted this "study" to influence the Supreme Court cases. NOM also ran radio ads in the 2012 election using the Regnerus "study" against marriage equality in the four states on the ballot that year. It was all about politics, just not in the way Brian insists.
The way the NOM crowd is digging in and defending the Regnerus sham is really interesting. And weird, frankly. I don't think I've ever seen Brian interact with anyone on Twitter, much less an LGBT activist. His account is primarily just a mirror of NOM's primary account, tweeting little more than NOM Blog links. The fact that he would jump in in this way, on this story, to offer up such insistent defense in the face of so much evidence tells me that Brian has some very specific interest in clearing the besmirched name of this terrible "study."
Perhaps NOM's fingerprints are even more on this "study" than we already know?
*UPDATE: In another message to activist Alvin McEwen, Brian went on to claim that both the Michigan federal judge who smacked down Regnerus' work in court and the respected American Sociological Association condemned the "study" for the sake of politics. Although it's a little hard to follow, since Brian seems to be as respectful of Twitter syntax as he is LGBT families (Brian's reply of "Yes!" should have come before the retweet of Alvin's words, which begin with "I suppose..."):