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'Ex-gay' group: A government that encourages gay men but not 'change' therapy is 'willing partner to their death'

by Jeremy Hooper

Restored Hope Network is the "ex-gay" organization that , Anne Paulk, Robert Gagnon, Joe Dallas and other advocates for the scientifically repudiated idea that people can and should "change" their orientations started in response to the closure of Exodus International and other politically pragmatic "ex-gay" groups. This is what this organization believes:

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The truth, of course, is that the whole "ex-gay" charade is a dangerous lie. Responsible government is coming down on this draconian practice because it is completely non-credible, heavily repudiated, often nonsensical, and frequently damaging. It never should've been a thing any more than other outlandish and baseless ideas stemming from political opportunists' overactive imaginations should've become a thing. Smarter heads are starting to wise up to that fact.

Being gay is a reality. It is a part of the human condition. People are gay. Lots of people. All throughout time and in all cultures. People who accept this reality are not "encouraging" anything other than honest stewardship of the truth. Acceptance promotes health and welfare. Destigmatization promotes the kind of body ownership and smart choices that protect one from Pandora and her sadly opened box.

The radical "ex-gay" proponents want to contrast basic acceptance of LGBT people with basic acceptance of their junk science shams because their whole movement is about lending credence to that what natural human instinct and a vast body of leaned knowledge knows to be bogus. They want to compare their abject fallacies with concrete truths because they want folks to believe that theirs is simply another side in a robust conversation. It is not. What they are pushing is a man-concocted fiction that never would have carried on this long, if not for the cover that this "love the sin, hate the sinner" movement provides the political far-right.

That they are putting the mark of death on the former in hopes of adding some sort of shine to the latter only speaks to their deep desperation and their dark motives. One of the most shameful operations out there, frankly.


*By the way, I'm working on a very interesting "ex-gay" story that will get lots of attention. Keep an eye out for that. Next week, hopefully.

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