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Head of Virginia's anti-equality org: 'open season to discriminate against anyone who believes that children deserve a mom and a dad'

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2014-07-29 At 9.36.36 AmPeople who oppose marriage equality are not burdened one bit by same-sex couples' marriages. But that doesn't stop Victoria Cobb, longtime head of Virginia's main anti-equality organization, to claim that yesterday's 4th Circuit ruling in favor of marriage equality constitutes "open season" against people like her:

"Today’s ruling and reactions to it clearly prove that it is now open season to discriminate against anyone who believes that children deserve a mom and a dad, whether motivated by their faith, be it Christian, or Jewish or Islamic, or by their concern for the future of our children.

Despite our disappointment with today’s ruling, despite the charge that we are “motivated by hate,” and despite federal and state administrations set on discriminating against anyone who disagrees with them, The Family Foundation is steadfast and will continue to fight to ensure that children are given the best opportunity to thrive — in a family with a mom and a dad.
" [FF of VA]

The ego never ceases to amaze me. Here we have a woman who has literally spent the a large part of the last decade fighting for and in defense of a measure that does nothing more than limit the rights of certain kinds of taxpayers in her state. She knew that same-sex couples in Virignia very much wanted the right to marry under civil law, and she knew that they felt their tax dollars entitled them and their families to the same rights and protections that Victoria enjoys. Yet she chose to wake up every morning and go to work for an organization that has dedicated a lion's share of its resources toward preserving discrimination. No one made her do this. For both passion and paycheck, Victoria Cobb chose to attach her name to this form of discrimination.

And yet she is the victim? Give me a break! Or a barf bag.

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