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Martial law coming to Kentucky. Because gays.

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2014-07-02 At 8.23.09 AmWhat does an anti-gay organization say when a Republican-appointed judge deals a crushing and thoroughly reasonable blow to discrimination in his state? Why he resorts to the old standby of fear, natch:

"For all practical purposes, Judge G. Heyburn has declared martial law on marriage policy in Kentucky" ... "This decision is another indication that we are no longer a nation of laws, but a nation of judges."

Martin Cothran, senior policy analyst with The Family Foundation of Kentucky

Um, you misspelled "marital law," Mr. Cothran. At least you must have. Surely you aren't suggesting that the expansion of freedom to loving, committed, tax-paying same-sex couples is creating a military government that suspends all regular law. Because that would be crazy.


Oh, by the way—this organization sure loved judges just 24 hours prior:

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