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NOM gearing up to launch 'Void Chase' campaign

by Jeremy Hooper

Building on its fake, wholly concocted, and truly absurd "scandal," I have learned that the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage is gearing up to launch an entire campaign around a routine employee questionnaire that JP Morgan Chase used for internal purposes. Literally. NOM is now going after companies for simply asking employees an LGBT-inclusive question as part of a longer list of questions on any number of topics.

For background on the fakery, see here; for first look at NOM's yet-to-launch campaign, see here:


Well, NOM's boycotts did put Starbucks and General Mills out of business, so Chase ought to be scared.

Wait, what's that you say? No, both companies are thriving? NOM's boycotts have received almost no attention, and when they have received any, it's been mockery? And unlike this truly ridiculous game of assumption, at least those other two boycotts were based on something the companies actually did (i.e. come out for equality) and not some sort of hearsay that is completely benign, even if true?

Oh. So as I was saying, Chase should swat away this NOM effort like the politically-driven parasite that it is. And laugh heartily while doing it.


*UPDATE: An hour after my post, NOM went live with its ludicrous campaign.

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