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NOM's religious liaison: Promoting LGBT rights abroad is 'affront to civilized society'
The Rev. Bill Owens is the National Organization For Marriage's named religious liaison and close ally. Without further ado, here is this key NOM spokesman yet again proving just how far beyond marriage he really wants to go:
And we are now using America’s political might to strong arm other nations into accepting the homosexual lifestyle. With all the problems that face our country, with AIDS in Africa and poverty and disease around the world, it is shocking to see that the President has chosen to push these immoral policies both at home and abroad. Who would have thought that this administration would go so far as to try to globalize homosexuality?
These efforts to coerce other countries (and even our own states) into embracing the homosexual agenda is a complete contradiction to God’s law. They’re even a contradiction to the respect for diversity and individual thought that the President plays lip service to—but clearly does not respect. To use the power of the presidency in order to bend the knee of other nation [sic] is what is truly the shame and affront to civilized society.
—Rev. Bill Owens, in email co-attributed to wife Deborah, who also works closely with NOM
I love this idea that homosexuality is something that can/needs to be "globalized." I'm pretty sure the word is out and translatable into many different languages.
I also love that NOM is now proving—every day, in every way—that they are their own worst enemies. I barely have to huff and or puff these days in order to prove their ingrained animus and flawed bases of thinking. They are blowing at their own house of cards harder and faster than my own lungs could do on their own.