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People like me aren't looking for a fight, claims man who fights LGBT rights for a paycheck

by Jeremy Hooper

They seem to think that if they increase the volume by which they shirk their responsibility in this "culture war" against a minority population's civil rights, the future will remember things according to their script rather than according to truth:

Screen Shot 2014-07-09 At 3.29.19 Pm "People who believe in marriage aren't looking for a fight — they are everyday people just like you and me who go about their lives working hard, raising their children, and trying to be the best people they can be according to the dictates of their personal, family and religious beliefs. They accept the truth that marriage is the union of one man and one woman because such an understanding was written on the human heart by our Creator, because it conforms to nature and commonsense, and because it has been proven through centuries of practice. There is nothing hateful or bigoted about accepting and supporting the truth of marriage."

National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown, who has led every fight against same-sex marriage since 2008

I actually agree with Brian that many people who join his fight are not, in fact, looking for one. They are simply told that they must enter into one in order to please God, save their nation, and preserve all that is good and decent. And it's people who like Brian who tell them that, with people like me and families like mine the target of their aggression.

Look, a six-year-old child can understand the obvious roles in this debate. Brian can try to name this false reality where groups that have led countless fights with the sole goal of taking away a minority population's rights are somehow the innocents, if that's the way he wants to play this game. He can't force others to believe it.

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