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Peter LaBarbera warns Michael Sam: You sexuality earns you 'notoriety among millions of us'
In yet another act of hubris that far outpaces his platform size or political capital, Peter LaBarbera, a man who has spent virtually every day for the past few decades obsessing about LGBT people and our rights,
has penned an open letter to NFL player Michael Sam calling on him to leave his homosexuality behind. A taste of Peter's warning:
Believe it or not, no one is born “gay”; molestation, emotional deprivation, parental or peer rejection, or other traumatic factors can foster same-sex attraction–but many men and women have managed it, diminished it, or eliminated it altogether. Many accomplished this through Reparative Therapy and counseling, despite the relentless, unwarranted condemnation of and campaign against both by self-serving “gay” activists.
What we hope for from you, Michael, is that you don’t make your feelings, well-publicized as they have been, your claim to fame. Your achievements on the football field will earn you a legacy you can be proud of; your “coming out” as one celebrating homosexuality as normative can earn you only regret, as well as notoriety among millions of us. [AFTAH]
Hmmm. One man is headed to the NFL following intense praise, outsized media attention, presidential lauding, and a refreshing lack of opposition from anyone other than the ardent ant-gay activists (and even they've been pretty quiet). The other man spends his life trying to dismantle a minority populations rights, gains, and general welfare, even as an American majority shows stronger and stronger support with every passing year. I've never claimed to be an expert on notoriety, but I think I know which horse would earn my bet if this were a race for future reverence.
But if Pete wants to stack his team of "ex-gays" against the NFL superstar, then he can do that. That is, if he can build a whole team with that tiny band and their supporters.