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True to agenda, social conservatives take on the idea that we're all the same inside
Burger King's "proud Whopper" promotion uses the tagline, "we are all the same inside." That is the one and only message of the gimmick: that all people are the same, regardless of orientation, just like all Whoppers are the same, regardless of the color of the wrapper.
But of course this idea that we are all the same is the very idea with which social conservatives are at "culture war." Which is why there is now a movement telling anti-gay fast foodies to not only reject the burger royalty but to also go into the chain's stores and give the workers a piece of their (closed) minds:
"When we hear of a corporation that is just making decisions such as this, this is clearly a time for people to use whatever means they can to express that concern at their local Burger King," ADA spokesman suggests.
While one way to do that is for conservatives to take their business elsewhere, Johnson also encourages people to drop by Burger King stores and let management know exactly why they are doing so.
FULL: BK proud of its 'new' Whopper [ONN]
What a way to spend one's time! And why stop there? I mean, America's towns are filled with all kinds of businesses that operate under the idea that all customers (and their dollars) are create equal. From grocery stores that stock two sausages too closely together to launderers who are willing to wash multiple pairs of adult similarly gendered underwear even if they are in different waist sizes, anti-gay townsfolk can spend every weekend this summer lashing out against the most basic level of tolerance that is threatening their community's heterosexist and/or overtly homo-hostile paradigm.
Or, you know: they could take a breath and find a real hobby.