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What constitutes 'absolute pure evil' in the eyes of Liberty University dean?

by Jeremy Hooper

College campuses are discouraging so-called "ex-gay" therapy. This is not shocking. Any college that values responsible treatment and adherence to credible science will reject the Staver-dean-libertyviciously anti-gay idea of "reparative therapy" because it is dangerous junk science that is a true blight on the body academic.

But according to Liberty Counsel head and Liberty University of Law dean Mat Staver, this kind of rejection is...

"This is taking sexual immorality and forcing people to say that it's good and that you ought to pursue it, and prohibiting people from encouraging in any kind of counsel to stop or eliminate it," says the attorney. "This is absolute pure evil." [ONN]

To clarify, it's not grown adults baselessly advising impressionable young people that they are immoral, broken, and in need of "fixing" that constitutes evil in Mr. Staver's eyes. No, no—it's those within academia who, you know—adhere to academic rigor!

Be sure to keep an eye out for further Staver outrage when he goes after the "evil" Math instructors who reject the idea that Pi is best identified the texture of its crust.

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