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Why Colorado will soon have marriage equality courtesy of Colorado's head opponent of marriage equality
She packs a lot into these soundbites. One, there's the claim that allowing loving same-sex couples to marry somehow devalues the idea. There are also three mentions of God, his design, and his intentions, even though the conversation on the table is about the civil component of marriage. She throws in mentions of "procreation, fidelity, selflessness and a healthy future," again, as if same-sex unions somehow come at the expense or run contrary to those concepts. And then there's the idea that she wants people to set aside "self-serving desires," even though the social conservatives' attempted stranglehold on marriage is one of the most self-serving causes in American politics.
If "protect marriage" Coloradans are wondering why their fight against marriage equality is losing in courts of law, it's because this is the best case they can articulate:
“Just because marriage is being devalued in society — the courts, the arts and media — it does not mean it is any less important to the framework of society” ... “God still intends for one man and one woman to join together in a marriage bond that allows for procreation, fidelity, selflessness and a healthy future.”
“It is important that we continue to pray for God’s design for marriage to be restored to the place of honor it deserves” ... “Pray for people to be moved to set aside individual, self-serving desires and focus once again on the blessing of God’s design for marriage and the stable future that design provides for families and society.”
—Debbie Chaves, president of Colorado Family Action, speaking to Focus on the Family's Citizenlink (where she was previously employed)
Just pray for peace, Ms. Chaves. We gay folk will save marriage for everyone. We do seem to want it the most.