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Erick Erickson claims pro-LGBT societies are suicidal; proves America's conservative movement is

In a column where he accuses LGBT activists of using the tactics of infamous segregationist Bull Connor and argues that gay rights and Christianity can never be compatible, exceedingly anti-gay Fox News commentator Erick Erickson claims that a society that...

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Video: The curious case of Megyn Kelly's infatuation with Tony Perkins

I have a theory that Megyn Kelly caught in-house blowback from saying, on air on the day that the Supreme Court began hearing the historic marriage cases of 2013, that Family Research Council president Tony Perkins has no credible arguments...

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GLAAD: @DavidDBenham, @JasonBBenham get ready for #FLS2014: 'Gay agenda' is 'evil, wrong, needs to be dealt with'

The Benham Brothers get ready for the Family Leadership Summit: 'Gay agenda' is 'evil, wrong, needs to be dealt with' [GLAAD]

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Matt Barber's website smugly reassures anti-gay parents

In the down-is-up website that rabidly anti-gay activist Matt Barber operates, it's not vulnerable kids who need reassurance and a warm shoulder. No, no—it's the parents who feel that their gay children are broken and are blaming themselves: "Neither you...

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Tiny tent: Tony Perkins versus gay Republicans who see themselves as equal

If any special interest group is harming the Republican party as it tries to find a path to the future, it's the Family Research Council. Tony Perkins and his staff are determined to alienate anyone who doesn't subscribe to their...

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