« August 11, 2014 ||
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|| August 13, 2014 »
'They're playing dirty politics!' demands pro discriminator as he slyly slides own muddy boots out of view
Here is the National Organization for Marriage president Brian Brown speaking about the grossly misnamed Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act [S. 2706, H.R. 5258], a go-nowhere, far-right–concocted bill that would allow tax-supported adoption agencies across America to flout existing nondiscrimination...
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Audio: FRC president 'thankful both [President Obama and the Devil] are term limited'
Popular conservative politico, Fox News regular, and exceedingly anti-gay Family Research Council president Tony Perkins now adds this high-minded commentary to American politics. He said this at his home church: Ah, the crowd loved it. Just hope they get as...
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Audio: NOM prez hilariously claims his boycott has slowed Starbucks' global growth
The National Organization For Marriage's attempt to boycott global coffee giant Starbucks has been an abject (and laughable) failure. The pro-equality company maintains 21,000 stores in over 65 countries, and is thriving. NOM, on the other hand, has lost just...
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Family Research Council: LGBT-accepting Christians are 'culturally intoxicated believers'
The Family Research Council is once again demanding that homosexuality is harmful to both gay people and society, and demanding that people need to "warn" us. But this time they are also throwing straight Christian supporters into the mix as...
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Audio: Virgin Islands pastor hounds gubernatorial candidate who won't genuflect to his anti-gay view
Delegate Donna Christensen is the Democratic candidate for Governor of the US Virgin Islands. Donna Christensen supports same-sex marriage. Now here are seven minutes of an aggressively anti-gay pastor flogging the candidate (and fellow Christian) for her stance on human...
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