« August 19, 2014 ||
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|| August 21, 2014 »
GLAAD: What FRC's exploitation of Robin Williams' death is really about
What FRC's exploitation of Robin Williams' death is really about [GLAAD]
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Scott Lively's new mission: Making America's churches super-duper extra anti-gay
On apparent break from stirring up global animus and his crimes against humanity trial related to said efforts, Massachusetts pastor, rabid anti-LGBT activist, and gubernatorial candidate Scott Lively is determined to make America's churches even more hostile to homosexuality. To...
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BYU protects the sanctity of pre-printed greetings
After some same-sex wedding cards were accidentally stocked in an on-campus bookstore (which contracts with gay-friendly Hallmark), the intensely Mormon Brigham Young University stepped in and removed the "offending" items before anyone could lick any of their back flaps: SALT...
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Breaking: Supreme Court delays fairness, justice in Virginia
The US Supreme Court has extended the stay on the 4th Circuit's pro-equality marriage ruling, meaning same-sex couples will not be able to marry in the Commonwealth starting tomorrow, as they had planned. Justice again delayed; justice again denied. Indignity,...
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Negligent anti-LGBT voices determined to eliminate *all* nondiscrimination laws
What follows is the "logic" of Randall Wenger, chief counsel for the Pennsylvania Family Institute for why business owners should be free to deny LGBT customers whenever they are feeling too religious-y to sell them an item they purport to...
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Video: To Focus on the Family's Citizenlink, a simple business request = 'home invasion'
Get a load of this false witness: Let's start with Stuart Shepard's intro. He acts like the couple just took on weddings as a fun way to earn some money from close friends, as if it were some sort of...
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