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Maggie 'always-the-victim' Gallagher did nothing to earn her anti-gay reputation

Maggie Gallagher has admitted she sees homosexuality as "an unfortunate thing" and advises gay people that "you can always control your behavior." She also once described homosexuality as " infertility. It is a sexual disability, preventing certain individuals from participating...

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Anti-gay activists still don't realize 'recruitment' claims make them look ridiculous

The idea that gay people "recruit" is like a throwback attack. It's from the Anita Bryant era of fear, back when the opposition movement was debating things like our ability to teach children, not our freedom to marry. But even...

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Florida pro-discrimination activist John Stemberger's history leaves no room for LGBT people

John Stemberger is an aggressively anti-LGBT man who has been responsible for most of the hostile efforts we've faced in the Sunshine State over the past decade. He's also the founder of the anti-gay scouting group that launched simply because...

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