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Anti-gay activists still don't realize 'recruitment' claims make them look ridiculous
The idea that gay people "recruit" is like a throwback attack. It's from the Anita Bryant era of fear, back when the opposition movement was debating things like our ability to teach children, not our freedom to marry.
But even though it's so ludicrous that people like me don't have to take any time explaining it's wackiness, the idea that gay people poach the young still pops up far more frequently than some realize. Here's a latest one from the American Family Association's "news" site:
SOURCE: One News Now
Again, I'm fairly confident I don't have to explain why the idea that gay people are like army recruiters or door-to-door Mormons is a claim better suited for bizarro world than our mortal realm. I'm sure a sweeping majority, including even most opponents of LGBT rights, reject that idea that gay adults lure young folks onto the bus with candy and HRC stickers. I've also fairly comfortable in saying that the repetition of this wacky claim serves LGBT rights much more than it hurts us.
That last point is why I think it's important to continue noting such sad and desperate claims.