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Audio: Former senior NOM official says we'll have 50 state equality by 2015

by Jeremy Hooper

From 2008–2013, some of the most crucial years of the marriage equality fight, Jennifer Roback Morse was on the front lines, serving first as a Proposition 8 spokesperson and then in a six-figure, senior role with the National Organization For Marriage's Education Fund. And during that time, she said all kinds of strange and hostile things in hopes of helping NOM stop the fair and right thing.

She's now stopped trying. In her most pointed comments on the subject yet, Morse is now declaring, without qualification, that America will have fifty-state marriage equality by next year:


Even I would allow for a two-year timeline. But if Ms. Roback Morse wants to help speed up the inevitable, who am I to stop her?

Although if we're being honest, she is exactly the kind of voice who helped speed up the inevitable during the years when she wasn't so defeated. Off-message rhetoric like hers helped show just how beyond marriage this fight really extends and just how animus-driven it has always been. It's actually good that she has accepted the truth. After all, she helped up us achieve it!

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