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'Ex-gay' org. creates homosexuality evacuation plan. Literally. There's a map

by Jeremy Hooper

The latest wacky idea from "pray away the gay" group PFOX (Parents and Friends of "Ex-gays") is a so-called "evacuation plan" from homosexuality and supportive church teaching. And because they are a totally rational organization and in no way an unintentional joke of a group the "ex-gay" team is using imagery that calls to mind a fire escape route. Behold:

Screen Shot 2014-08-17 At 8.51.01 Pm 201408172045

SOURCE: http://pfox.org/Safe-Exit/

What, no bomb shelters? Or maybe a panic room? I mean, what if the gay churchgoer and/or accepting pastor come suddenly and without warning? While modern radar is good, it's not 100% foolproof. And natural disasters, from earthquakes to committed love between consenting adults, can sneak up on you when you least expect it. So how can you be sure that you'll have enough warning to escape safely and soundly? HOW. CAN. YOU BE. SURE?!

I think you need to think this through a little more, PFOX. Maybe close down for a few years and regroup? People could get hurt if you stay open.

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