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NOM: Marriage fight is 'civilization-defining battle'
National Organization For Marriage co-founder Robert George is now going around saying that the fight for marriage, which from his perspective is a fight to stop same-sex couples from access to it, is the "civilization-defining battle" of our time. NOM is eager to promote this phrase:
A bit heavy-handed, I would say. I myself am very invested in this fight myself, though from the right and good and fair and peaceful side. For the past decade or so, I've spilled a ton of ink, will, and sweat equity into this cause because I believe it to be a major fight of our generation. But even so, I wouldn't call it our "civilization-defining" fight.
But it'd be one thing if I did. For those who fight this battle from the wrong and bad and unfair and dismissive side to claim it our society's big definitive? That's just bananas. What they are really saying is that theirs is a fight to "save" us all from ourselves. Folks like Robert George and groups like the NOM he co-founded are hubristic enough to believe that they can, should, and will define civilization for this period of time, and that they will do it by essentially subjugating the equal, or even decent, treatment of fellow citizens who happen to have been born to think, believe, and love differently from the way they do. Their battle is one of supremacy. Of dominance. Of arrogance.
Thankfully, civilization has other plans.