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Photo: Negligent NOM posts baby with choking hazard; will someone please think of the children?
As a parent of an infant, my eyes are like laser beams in constant hunt of objects that might pose a choking hazard to my little peanut. But while I know that anything small enough to pass through a toilet paper roll is a potential danger, apparently NOM is not concerned enough about infants' growth and development to keep potential dangers out of the vulnerable baby's hands. This graphic is like a warning poster from a pediatrician's office:
Should baby wake, that hand is going right to that mouth. When hand meets mouth, those rings become food. That "food" becomes lodged. It's a tragedy waiting to happen.
All credible organizations know and advise better. Must you flout the advice of all professional associations, NOM? How many lives must you endanger in the name of discrimination?
Not to mention—aren't those both men's rings?