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Read: Catholic Bishops back tax-subsidized adoption discrimination (*and alienating even more young people, apparently)
They've already spent the past couple of years going after civil marriage equality and fair employment protections, so what are the top dogs at the United Conference of Catholic Political Pundits Bishops up to now? Why they are pressing Congress to pass a measure that would allow religious adoption agencies to enjoy all of the perks that come from federal contracts (e.g. support drawn from your tax dollars) while selectively flouting non-discrimination laws that apply to prospective adoptive parents who happen to be LGBT:
Ltr to Kelly Re Catholic Bishops press for discriminatory adoption
Or at least same-sex couples are the impetus; the actual measures would extend to just about anyone the faith-based-but-tax-supported agency decides it wants to exclude on this day. Insert your own morality test.
Parental qualification as the top criteria for adoption? Puh-leez! It's the number of in-house penises and vaginas that these Bishops and their like-minded allies want to elevate in order to limit their pool of prospective parents. Which they can do, actually—just not on Uncle Sam's dime!
**And of course where you have the Catholic Bishops, you have NOM. The anti-gay group is framing the license-to-discriminate measure as "Common Sense Legislation." Guess that sounded better than the "Because Gay Parents Will Break The Kid Bill"