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'The nation's attic' to get some rainbow-hued light

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2014-08-19 At 9.38.55 AmOur history finds a respected home:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hundreds of photographs, papers and historical objects documenting the history of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are being added to the Smithsonian Institution's collection Tuesday, including items from the popular TV show "Will and Grace."
KEEP READING: Smithsonian adds LGBT history to museum collection [AP]

As for anti-LGBT history, it remains unclear whether those artifacts will find housing in the Museum of Human-Perpetuated Cruelty, the Archives of Wasting Time in The Face of Actual Social Issues That You Could Have Solved, or the Annals of American Injustice. Or perhaps we will have to build a whole new memorial to house an inequity as great as the one our opposition waged against out lives, souls, and psyches.

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