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Video: AFA's Fischer urges FLOTUS to fight obesity by fighting lesbians' sexual orientation

Just another move of the mouth from a man who has single-handedly freed the American Family Association of any tenuous claim to respectability, political viability, and intellectual responsibility that it might have ever had: Some focus on exercise. Others focus...

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Um, but he lost to another pro-equality candidate, Tony

Tony Perkins is obviously tweeting this link because he thinks it says something about support for marriage equality: [FRC prez Tony Perkins] But the truth is that Gov. Abercrombie's primary loss lends no credence to Tony and his favored cause...

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Video: Man misapplies personal trauma to sexual orientation science

I truly feel for this man for having to endure the childhood trauma and subsequent string of bad choices that he describes. But he needs to stop pretending that his experience is definitive or that he is qualified to tell...

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WND's editor fundamentally misunderstands nondiscrimination law (part 3 of 3)

In his third post on the same subject in just the past week, WND (formerly WorldNetDaily) founder and editor Joseph Farah yet again misses the point about nondiscrimination law and its application. Here's a pertinent snip: Think about it. It’s...

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Video: Why is this shockingly anti-gay (among other things) speech happening in a Connecticut public school?

According to both the video description and a separate advertisement for the event this speech from Umar John took place earlier this month at Hillhouse High School in New Haven, CT. It will take only about a minute for you...

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Fined NY event space to host same-sex wedding receptions (*but no ceremonies for anyone)

Liberty Ridge Farm, the upstate New York business that was fined for turning away a lesbian couple who sought to book the space for their wedding, has agreed to allow same-sex couples to hold their wedding receptions on the site....

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