We all know that the anti-LGBT activists have made a movement-wide choice to pretend that those who are called out for their attempts to discriminate are the real victims and that the citizens who suffered the embarrassing, unfair, and unlawful...
You all, homosexuality is personal to the anti-gay activists at Focus on the Family. Here, let them tell you all about it in a Friday afternoon attempt to raise funds off the fallacious and offensive idea that gay people can...
This is a writeup for a breakout session that will be held in two weeks at the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit: [VV Summit] #1: It's not just "the left" that believes marriage equality is inevitable. Prominent activists who...
Last year's "Ex-gay Awareness Month" was known best for being a total bust. But if at first you don't succeed, make a really cheesy promo that strategically avoids showing the small crowd: Aware that anti-gay conservatives like Mat Staver and...
Extreme anti-gay activist Bill Donohue is all over the media right now stomping his feet about the New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade's decision to allow one LGBT group to march (for now) in next year's parade. In order...