« September 22, 2014 ||
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|| September 24, 2014 »
Video: Aggressively anti-gay single man Stacy Swimp is going to save marriage, destroy the NAACP
Stacy Swimp is a very anti-gay man who embraces his condemnation of homosexuality. And now he, an unmarried man working in tandem with the fringe conservative Thomas More Law Center and activists like "ex-gay" Janet Boynes, is going to save...
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Phyllis Schlafly: It's 'not just the gays' who murdered the American family
Phyllis Schlafly has written a new book (published by WorldNetDaily) titled Who Killed the American Family? But don't get the wrong idea, "the gays"—we didn't perform this murder all by ourselves. See, in an email promoting her book, Ms. Schlafly...
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Beheadings, loving marriages make AFA writer wonder where God is
In a piece for the aggressively anti-gay American Family Association, Digital Media Editor Ray Rooney Jr. runs down some of the things that make him stop and question whether God's eye is even focused on Earth. In one paragraph, he...
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Video: A reminder that marriage equality won't silence spineless anti-gay a*holes
You know what's a horrible thing to do? Scream at a couple when they are in the middle of their wedding ceremony. You know what's a true blight on our social fabric? Anti-gay hostility. You know how anti-gay hostility is...
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