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|| September 30, 2014 »
Video: In inclusive ad, AZ Sec. of State hopeful makes discrimination his rival
It's fascinating to witness the shift in the way Democratic candidates for both state and federal office use their LGBT rights record. In the past, even our strongest allies would maybe give a slight nod to their pro-equality stances, but...
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That discriminatory OR baker is really overthinking reason why she's national news
Fresh from her appearance at the uber anti-gay Values Voter Summit, the Oregon baker who famously violated local nondiscrimination laws when she refused service to a lesbian customer writes the following: [Sweet Cakes] Standard pablum of the anti-gay movement. Whatever....
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Robert Oscar Lopez confirms belief that gay parents are like slave owners
Just last week, this man was on the bill at a big marriage conference and rally in Utah alongside NOM and other mainstream groups. Here is his guiding belief: If there is one charge that GLAAD and the HRC throw...
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Video: Values Voter Summit marriage panel was particularly boring, bad, ineffective this year
It has taken me three days to even post the video, which should tell you something. From the clumsy moderating of a man who has openly called for gay people to be "exported" to the self-victimization of business owners who...
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Conservative Catholic professor: Gay activists like segregationists in 'single-minded heedlessness'
In a far-less-intellectual-than-he-thinks-it-is essay for the very anti-gay Public Discourse (edited by the very anti-gay Ryan Anderson), Providence College professor Anthony Esolen (a Catholic conservative, of course) makes a long-winded case that arguments in favor of slavery and segregation do...
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Stop claiming Biden, Obama, Clinton, et al. supported marriage amendments—they did not.
This comes from an Op-Ed that anti-gay activists Ryan Anderson and Edwin Meese managed to place in the Washington Post: This month, in a widely celebrated opinion written by Judge Richard Posner, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th...
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Audio: Peter LaBarbera attempts to deny 'hate' by repeating his extremely hateful quote
When the professional anti-LGBT activists attempt to argue against a "hate" charge, they typically focus on milder parts of their work life so that they can distract the casual observer with more loving acts and phrases rather than some of...
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Duggars promote discriminatory bakers, improper pluralization
Aaron and Melissa Klein are the proprietors of the now-closed Sweet Cakes by Melissa, the Oregon bakery that caught national attention for unlawfully denying a lesbian couple who sought their business. The Kleins have admitted that they discriminated because they...
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AFA's Fischer links 'raping puppy' headline to sexual orientation, 'born this way' arguments
The link within his tweet points to this headline: [shar.es/1ayXEe] The tweet itself, which is a clear attempt by the rabidly anti-gay American Family Association senior analyst to like bestiality to homosexuality, reads like so: [AFA's Fischer] Because that's what...
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Photos: Scientifically-discredited, deeply offensive junk science presented as truth as #VVS14
The Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit is probably the most anti-LGBT political conference on the calendar. That is not news. Everyone who knows politics knows how exceedingly hostile this annual conference is; anyone who suggests otherwise is being willfully...
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E.W. Jackson will never accept truth of marriage equality; reality remains blissfully independent of his blessing
Speaking at the annual event that most ably drains moderate support from the Republican party, the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit, one E.W. Jackson, the GOP's most recent nominee for Lieutenant Governor of the state of Virginia and man...
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