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GLAAD: Are some anti-LGBT activists missing a self-awareness gene?

Are some anti-LGBT activists missing a self-awareness gene? [GLAAD]

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FRC faults Dems for broken, obstructionist Congress while advocating for broken, obstructionist Congress

A bipartisan majority in the US Senate passed the Employment NonDiscrimination Act. All credible polling suggests the American public wants Congress to pass this law. Sadly, the obstructionist GOP House, which has made stopping President Obama and Democrats from passing...

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FRC senior staffer: 'Ex-Gays: The Best Kept Secret in Your Child’s School'

I know it's already in your calendar and you've already packed your lunch and pick your outfit. Even so, I do feel compelled to remind you that we are only days away from the second annual "Ex-gay Awareness Month" Conference....

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Video: In inclusive ad, AZ Sec. of State hopeful makes discrimination his rival

It's fascinating to witness the shift in the way Democratic candidates for both state and federal office use their LGBT rights record. In the past, even our strongest allies would maybe give a slight nod to their pro-equality stances, but...

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That discriminatory OR baker is really overthinking reason why she's national news

Fresh from her appearance at the uber anti-gay Values Voter Summit, the Oregon baker who famously violated local nondiscrimination laws when she refused service to a lesbian customer writes the following: [Sweet Cakes] Standard pablum of the anti-gay movement. Whatever....

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Robert Oscar Lopez confirms belief that gay parents are like slave owners

Just last week, this man was on the bill at a big marriage conference and rally in Utah alongside NOM and other mainstream groups. Here is his guiding belief: If there is one charge that GLAAD and the HRC throw...

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Video: Values Voter Summit marriage panel was particularly boring, bad, ineffective this year

It has taken me three days to even post the video, which should tell you something. From the clumsy moderating of a man who has openly called for gay people to be "exported" to the self-victimization of business owners who...

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Conservative Catholic professor: Gay activists like segregationists in 'single-minded heedlessness'

In a far-less-intellectual-than-he-thinks-it-is essay for the very anti-gay Public Discourse (edited by the very anti-gay Ryan Anderson), Providence College professor Anthony Esolen (a Catholic conservative, of course) makes a long-winded case that arguments in favor of slavery and segregation do...

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Stop claiming Biden, Obama, Clinton, et al. supported marriage amendments—they did not.

This comes from an Op-Ed that anti-gay activists Ryan Anderson and Edwin Meese managed to place in the Washington Post: This month, in a widely celebrated opinion written by Judge Richard Posner, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th...

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Audio: Peter LaBarbera attempts to deny 'hate' by repeating his extremely hateful quote

When the professional anti-LGBT activists attempt to argue against a "hate" charge, they typically focus on milder parts of their work life so that they can distract the casual observer with more loving acts and phrases rather than some of...

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Duggars promote discriminatory bakers, improper pluralization

Aaron and Melissa Klein are the proprietors of the now-closed Sweet Cakes by Melissa, the Oregon bakery that caught national attention for unlawfully denying a lesbian couple who sought their business. The Kleins have admitted that they discriminated because they...

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AFA's Fischer links 'raping puppy' headline to sexual orientation, 'born this way' arguments

The link within his tweet points to this headline: [] The tweet itself, which is a clear attempt by the rabidly anti-gay American Family Association senior analyst to like bestiality to homosexuality, reads like so: [AFA's Fischer] Because that's what...

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Photos: Scientifically-discredited, deeply offensive junk science presented as truth as #VVS14

The Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit is probably the most anti-LGBT political conference on the calendar. That is not news. Everyone who knows politics knows how exceedingly hostile this annual conference is; anyone who suggests otherwise is being willfully...

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E.W. Jackson will never accept truth of marriage equality; reality remains blissfully independent of his blessing

Speaking at the annual event that most ably drains moderate support from the Republican party, the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit, one E.W. Jackson, the GOP's most recent nominee for Lieutenant Governor of the state of Virginia and man...

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Video: Not-the-victims who own for-profit business still trying to justify unlawful discrimination

The New York State Division of Human Rights laid out, in excessive detail, exactly why the Giffords engaged in unlawful discrimination against a pair of potential customers. But you know—facts. Laws. Fair business practices. Why should any of those things...

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Video: Freedom To Marry's new ad highlights our divided, unsustainable (discrimi)nation

This ad will air during the Sunday political shows:

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NOM makes bold allegation about Oregon's Attorney General, promptly deletes it

This bold claim no longer appears on NOM's blog. The anti-gay group (with no Oregon ties) deleted it just a short time after posting it: [post was here] Why the cold feet, NOM? *** **A few more things: The AG's...

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NOM, Focus on the Family, FRC to help elect more Democrats in November

The National Organization For Marriage loves to talk about its efforts in New York state in 2012 and how it supposedly destroyed pro-equality Republicans in that election. But what they never talk about is how they actually helped to elect...

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Can you honestly assess anything, Tony Perkins? #VVS14

Reacting to an ad that has clearly struck a nerve, Tony Perkins (/his ghostwriter) writes the following. Pay particular attention to the part I've highlighted: [FRC] Nice attempt to turn it around on Dan, Tony (/Tony's ghostwriter). But in truth,...

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In which I give NOM a more insightful Bill Owens quote

The anti-gay National Organization For Marriage is running this new attempt at a photo meme featuring one of its affiliate leaders, Rev. Bill Owens: [SOURCE: NOM] Oh, but we can do so much better when it comes to quoting Owens....

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A look at three #VVS14 breakout sessions

In an August radio appearance, Tami Fitzgerald insisted that all of the world's gay people are "defying what they were created to be," echoing similar comments she has made in the past. She will be speaking at one of the...

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LGBT orgs let GOP know just how awful #VVS14 really is

Considering Tony Perkins, the exceedingly anti-LGBT head of the organization that hosts the Values Voter Summit, has touted his personal friendship with Reince Priebus, I don't expect the GOP chair to actually use the annual conference's 2014 edition (which will...

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Video: Aggressively anti-gay single man Stacy Swimp is going to save marriage, destroy the NAACP

Stacy Swimp is a very anti-gay man who embraces his condemnation of homosexuality. And now he, an unmarried man working in tandem with the fringe conservative Thomas More Law Center and activists like "ex-gay" Janet Boynes, is going to save...

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Phyllis Schlafly: It's 'not just the gays' who murdered the American family

Phyllis Schlafly has written a new book (published by WorldNetDaily) titled Who Killed the American Family? But don't get the wrong idea, "the gays"—we didn't perform this murder all by ourselves. See, in an email promoting her book, Ms. Schlafly...

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Beheadings, loving marriages make AFA writer wonder where God is

In a piece for the aggressively anti-gay American Family Association, Digital Media Editor Ray Rooney Jr. runs down some of the things that make him stop and question whether God's eye is even focused on Earth. In one paragraph, he...

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Video: A reminder that marriage equality won't silence spineless anti-gay a*holes

You know what's a horrible thing to do? Scream at a couple when they are in the middle of their wedding ceremony. You know what's a true blight on our social fabric? Anti-gay hostility. You know how anti-gay hostility is...

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'Ex-gay' org. excited to be 'featured exhibitor' at #VVS14

Values Voter Summit 2014 will feature Governor Sarah Palin, prominent GOP US Senators like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, several House Republicans, and a whole host of prominent conservative movers and shakers. One of the big exhibitors on hand at...

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Three of history's four women Supreme Court Justices have now performed same-sex weddings

Justice Elena Kagan has joined Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the list of US Supreme Court Justices who have performed same-sex weddings: Justice Kagan Performs Her First Same-Sex Wedding [AP] Meanwhile, Justice Antonin Scalia...

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GLAAD: Questions we'd like reporters to ask at the Values Voter Summit

Questions we'd like reporters to ask at the Values Voter Summit [GLAAD]

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Gay man realizes he shouldn't have entered an opposite-sex union—so no same-sex marriage for anyone, demands ex-wife

A woman by the name of Janna Darnelle was married to a gay man. That gay man sought a divorce after he realized he could no longer live a lie. For whatever reason (she glosses over it), a judge then...

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HA! Robert Oscar Lopez mentions me in truly bizarre amicus brief to 5th Circuit

Actually, I don't often write to anyone and claim anything about anti-equality activist Robert Oscar Lopez and his odd approaches to reasonable discourse. Instead I just show his own verbatim and sourced words (with most of the links pointing back...

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Your daily 'Gay Gestapo' moment with the American Family Association's senior analyst

Bryan Fischer is one of the biggest fans of co-opting Nazi imagery (the word "gestapo" gets its root from the German secret state police that helped carry out "The Final Solution") and misapplying it to modern proponents of basic civil...

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Scott Lively equates accurately noting his public record with inciting murder

Anti-LGBT activists do and say all kinds of truly shitty and deeply dangerous things as they work to dehumanize, delegitimize, and deny rights to certain citizens. They do this. By choice. Most of them for a paycheck. But then, when...

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Audio: Mark Regnerus doesn't think marriage equality has 'a lot of gas left'

Mark Regnerus, a man whose widely discredited "research" actively drained a bit a gas from the anti-equality movement, is now in the business of making predictions. According to the burgeoning conservative pundit, the fight against "real marriage" is running out...

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Friday: NOM president shares the bill with 'ex-gay' activists

Below is a snippet from the schedule of the so-called Stand For Family conference, which will be held in Provo, Utah, this Friday. From this scheduled, we learn that at around noon, Brian Brown, the man who claims that his...

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Today in 'um, yeah, obviously': Stunt marriages not confined to opposite-sex partnerships

For the life of me I don't understand why I'm supposed to be annoyed with the two straight men in New Zealand who are apparently planning to enter into a same-sex union in order to win a radio contest. I...

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Video: Brian Brown's fellow panelist gives insight into Moscow panel's extreme views on homosexuality, marriage

At last week's "Large Family and the Future of Humanity" conference in Moscow, Russia, National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown was joined on a panel by John-Henry Westen, the Canadian editor of the very anti-gay website LifeSiteNews: John-Henry Westen,...

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Video: TN man condemns gays with Leviticus billboards; oddly allows local Red Lobsters to remain open

Tennessee, the place of my birth and childhood, is a truly gorgeous state. Though less so now: WSMV Channel 4 No word if Mr. Mundy will commit to all Old Testament condemnations. Although locals (and particularly women) might want to...

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Video: 'Ex-gay' speaker at upcoming ERLC summit equates talking to gay people with talking to cancer patients

The Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission has tapped the "ex-gay" with the best name, Rosaria Champagne Butterfield, to guide their upcoming convention on how to "change" people's sexual orientations but in the "nice" way. And in a...

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GLAAD: Mainstream media is catching on to NOM's broader agenda

Mainstream media is catching on to NOM's broader agenda[GLAAD]

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FRC's Values Voter Summit puts anti-gay bakers on a marriage panel; so we won, basically

Aaron and Melissa Klein are the proprietors of the now-closed Sweet Cakes by Melissa, the Oregon bakery that caught national attention for unlawfully denying a lesbian couple who sought their business. The Kleins have admitted that they discriminated because they...

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GOP front group NOM raising money for a GOP US Senate

Yet again the National Organization For Marriage, which has long claimed to be non-partisan, is raising funds for the purposes of flipping the US Senate: "we have an incredible opportunity to shift the balance of power within the United States...

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Leave beloved children's author Beverly Cleary out of your dastardly agenda, NOM!

The Ramona books are some of the most treasured deposits in my memory bank. Now look on as the pro-discrimination group uses an unsourced quote from the beloved author of those (and other) books to promote its anti-gay cause: [NOM]...

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Video: Another hour, another anti-gay activist warning society of its impending, gay-initiated doom

This time it's James Dobson, the Focus on the Family founder, who is suggesting that our gay marriage–having future is going to destroy America. Going to destroy "the entire superstructure of culture," in fact: Of course the truth is that...

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Video: Target features gay dads in new ad #MadeToMatter

It's quick, like all of the shots. But it's there, at around :19: Made to matter, indeed. Another bad blip for those who choose to deny us our worth.

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Brian Brown warns America: We probably won't survive gay people's marriages

National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown writing for the (Mormon owned) Deseret News: "Marriage is a foundational institution, something at the core of civilization. It is our only institution that brings men and women together as husbands and wives...

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Ben & Jerry's has the scoop on our inevitably sweeter future

One of America's sweetest company has a long history of supporting the rich, creamy goodness that is marriage equality. Late last week, the company took the support to a whole other level, urging the Supreme Court to hurry up and...

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READ: HRC's 'Export of Hate' report puts American activists on notice

And now more on the American anti-LGBT activists (Brian Brown, Robert Oscar Lopez, Peter LaBarbera, etc.) who are taking their frustrations here at home, cashing in their frequent flier miles, and looking for better chances overseas: HRC Report: Export of...

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NOM president joins NARTH's VP of operations at Utah conference

Brian Brown is the president of the National Organization For Marriage, the national group that pretends it is focused on policy rather than personal animus toward LGBT people. David Pruden is the VP of Operations at NARTH, an organization that...

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'Yahoo! News' notes NOM's shocking turn toward global extremism

Just last week, National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown was back in Russia stirring the pot against LGBT rights. A great new report from Yahoo! News, which builds off work from the Human Rights Campaign (for whom I first...

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