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GLAAD: Anti-LGBT activists' empty defiance on marriage

Anti-LGBT activists' empty defiance on marriage [GLAAD]

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Video: Latvia Archbishop says gay relationships 'are destroying our human identity'; is 'not against homosexuals' (heavens no!)

How dare you think Archbishop Zbigņevs Stankevičs of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Riga, Latvia is anti-gay? As he tells LifeSiteNews, the Canadian outlet that regularly earns credence from groups like NOM, he just knows that gay relationships are destroying...

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Chair Eastman teases NOM's (hilarious) plan for a constitutional convention

Last year I show you how the National Organization For Marriage has purchased a cache of domain names that spoke to possible plans to hold a convention related to marriage. Today, Chairman John Eastman puts some chatter to the constitutional...

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States don't have right to enact marriage equality, says man whose state now has marriage equality (hooray!)

Matt Barber's home state of Virginia elected a pro-equality governor and attorney general, and now, thanks to a series of court actions, has marriage equality in place. But it's all fake, insists Matt. Right Wing Watch nabbed the clip: [RWW]...

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