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MassResistance's hilarious fourteen-point plan for reinstating marriage discrimination: Get really, really nasty

The anti-LGBT activists at MassResistance see the writing on the wall, and they know that it reads "Psst, your game's almost up!" So here is their hysterically obtuse plan for how they will convince America to do an about-face and...

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Concerned Women For America finally learns to call out anti-gay rhetoric

Over the years, the Concerned Women For America has employed Sandy Rios, Peter LaBarbera, Matt Barber, Robert Knight, and a whole host of conservatives whose rhetoric routinely breaks the bounds of political decorum. And right now, on CWA's main website,...

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'Rivka Edelman' responds to me via one of the most bizarre comments I've ever read

"Rivka Edelman," who first wrote an article that had to be corrected and for which I had to be granted a personal apology due to the lies within, and who has since spent about two weeks now posting lies about...

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Just going to another vendor isn't always easy, isn't good basis for sound policy

Every time another one of these deliberately propagandized situations involving a baker or florist or other public accommodation operator who wishes to discriminate against same-sex couples comes into light, people on both sides (but mainly on the anti-gay side) start...

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Pat Robertson: People who believe in fair nondiscrimination law are 'terrorists, radicals, and extremists'

Pat Robertson, a man who is apparently immune from any criticism as he continues to spout out horrid ideas to receptive millions, has a new label for people who believe in fair application of the law as it pertains to...

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