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NOM vows to keep destroying the Republican party through spiteful campaigns

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage is vowing to defeat US Senator (and potential presidential candidate) Rob Portman (R-OH) in his 2016 reelection bid. The Daily Beast reports:

Brian Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage, a prominent social conservative group, told The Daily Beast that his group would be working “day in and day out to have a candidate to defeat Portman.” Brown said that the group had identified “several folks who could potentially” win a Republican Senate primary against Portman in 2016 and was actively recruiting them to run.
FULL: Anti-Gay Marriage Group’s Big Target [Daily Beast]

Brown tells the reporter that NOM is "not going to play the game anymore" of voting for Republicans in order to appease party bosses. In fact, Brian is now outwardly saying that a potential win for Democrat Scott Peters over the openly gay Republican Carl DeMaio in their congressional race out of California's 52nd district is "a victory" for NOM, even though Peters very much supports same-sex marriage and LGBT right. NOM has targeted DeMaio as part of a high profile campaign against moderate Republicans, and winning spiteful campaigns seems to be all NOM really cares about at this point, even if it means electing more pro-equality Democrats in the process.

Maybe NOM's really been our best friend all along.

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