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TV's Duggar family continues anti-LGBT activism
Over the years, the Duggars from TLC's hit reality TV show 19 Kids And Counting have become increasingly political. In addition to eldest son Josh joining the extremely anti-LGBT Family Research Council and dedicating his time to efforts to stop marriage equality, mother Michelle has recorded robocalls advocating against LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination laws and the whole family has shown up at rallies that are focused at least in part toward discrimination. Here's the latest, happening today:
[SOURCE: Joe.My.God]
And of course the next time they are on Good Morning America, Extra, or any of those entertainment shows that love to play host to the family, all involved will pretend they are little more than a modern day Brady Bunch. Because that is what always happens. And the TLC network continues to let it happen since the cabler's version of "reality" excludes the "culture war" politics that the family has put front and center.
My one and only request, then now and always, is that the people who choose to cover this family do so accurately. If you're going to make this family the focus of a television show, then let Americans know that they are using their high profile to deny rights to certain viewers. That is not a major request. It should be common sense, frankly. Yet I have watched this family get a truly bizarre for years now. I really don't get it.