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What the heck is 'NOM Victory Fund'?

by Jeremy Hooper

At the end of the National Organization For Marriage's disingenuous new ad attacking US Senator Kay Hagan for joining her Republican colleague in recommending, and all of her colleagues in confirming, the District Judge who recognized that North Carolina's marriage amendment is, in fact, unconstitutional, the text lists some new organization and URL for NOM:


"NOM Victory Fund"? New to me. And it's new to everyone, in fact, since NOM only bought that domain last week:

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[Domain Tools]

The site has yet to launch, so it's anyone's guess what this organization has planned in order to turn its three years of virtually unceasing defeat into something resembling "victory." But I can bet you it will be silly and weird and obtuse and ultimately detrimental to its own movement, In other words, NOM's brand.


*UPDATE: Minutes after I went live with this post, they launched the site and issued a press release. It's a Super PAC, basically:

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