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Read: Federal judge calls MS's marriage ban what it is: discriminatory

In a stayed ruling—the second one today from a southern state—U.S. District Court Judge Carlton Reeves has ruled Mississippi's discriminatory marriage ban to be just that. Read it and weep, NOM: Mississippi ruling The hold lasts for fourteen days. But...

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Yet another federal judge accurately notes crude discrimination within Arkansas' marriage ban

In a stayed ruling, U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker today struck down one of our more conservative state's discriminatory marriage ban: Federal Judge Overturns Arkansas' Gay Marriage Ban [AP] It is a near-certainty that the state will appeal to the...

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Prominent conservative outlet equates LGBT activists with Nazi paramilitary

LGBT equality activists are now just like the SA members who brought Hitler and the Holocaust to rise (aka "Brownshirts"). Because this is what passes for acceptable conservative rhetoric in prominent conservative journals: Regardless of how they began, the colors...

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New pledge: Conservative pastors choose to separate selves from civil marriage

The prominent Christian conservative outlet First Things is promoting a new effort called "The Marriage Pledge." Essentially, it's a recognition, at long last, that church ceremony and civil marriage are, in fact, separate and distinguishable (even if many, or perhaps...

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Read: ADF creates fake 'victim' superbook; misapplies business matters to churches

When legal outfits like Alliance Defending Freedom take up the cases of bakers and florists and photographers who try to skirt local nondiscrimination law so that they can refuse service to LGBT customers, they most always lose. That's because public...

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P&G reaches out to pro-discrimination activist, learns it made right choice

Following Procter & Gamble's major decision to come out in favor of marriage equality, Phil Burress, a local anti-LGBT activist from P&G's home state of Ohio, claims the CEO of the company called him to discuss the matter. And here's...

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