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In prep for Pope's 2015 visit, World Meeting of Families readies gay stigma, exclusion
The Pope has already announced that he will travel to Philadelphia next September for the Catholic Church's 8th World Meeting of Families. And when he does, let's go ahead and make it perfectly clear: this supposedly new and different pontiff will be catering to yet another event that reduces gay people to "people with same-sex attractions," that equates our "struggles" with things like divorce, and that insists all we gay folk are capable of having are "chaste friendships."
Here are snippets from both the event's preparation packages and its lesson plans for students:
Parish Preparation Packet [World Meeting of Families]
High School Lesson Plan [World Meeting of Families]
Chaste friendships can be fun. For playing Clue. For grabbing a slice of pizza. For a nice game of badminton.
The human capacity for love, however, is different. And awesome. How dare you deny God of his creation as it exists rather than how you so militantly insist it must be?