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P&G reaches out to pro-discrimination activist, learns it made right choice
Following Procter & Gamble's major decision to come out in favor of marriage equality, Phil Burress, a local anti-LGBT activist from P&G's home state of Ohio, claims the CEO of the company called him to discuss the matter. And here's how that went, according to Burress:
Burress shares that he was then called by the CEO of Proctor [sic] & Gamble. "And [I] spent time on the phone explaining that this is not about equality – this is about special rights for someone’s bed partner," he concludes. [SOURCE: ONN]
I've grown up recognizing and respecting male/female married couples for my entire life, and rarely-to-never have I paid mind to how said couples behaved in bed. They have such dirty minds, these folks.
Or, more accurately, they know that reducing us to our sex lives is a way they can continue to "other" us. Whereas straight couples get to have lives and families and mortgages and bills and fears and frustrations and all that comes from being an adult who lives, loves, and marries in this society of ours, folks like Burress are determined to define us by, and therefore limit us to, what happens during the relatively few and fleeting moments wherein we enjoy sexual companionship. Because that's what you always do to a minority population you want to stigmatize: you reduce them so that it's easier for you to write them off.
This time it didn't work, and Mr. Burress has all but lost. But the fact that he and his team so aggressively tried—and in the name of religion no less? Well that's a sad and cruel legacy that will unfold for decades to come.