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|| December 11, 2014 »
Video: Texas Baptist preacher rails against 'dirty f*ggots' who 'are all pedophiles'
Another soft and tender moment from the deep well of Baptist animus: "I'm not going to let any of these dirty faggots inside my church," Romero said. "They are all pedophiles ... They're always trying to rape and hurt other...
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NOM's bald-face lies about the 2014 midterms
In a hilariously desperate pitch letter (that many of you have sent me today precisely because of its hilarious desperation), National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown makes the following claim: ...the National Organization for Marriage was 100 percent successful...
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Video: Meet the self-avowed 'homosexual' who fought to repeal Fayetteville, AR nondiscrimination law
Last night, the town of Fayetteville, Arkansas, narrowly repealed its LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination law (by around five hundred votes). Thomas "I am a homosexual" Baker helped make that happen: Post by Repeal 119. [SOURCE] Love and respect yourself, Thomas. You are...
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GLAAD: NOM solicits participation, deletes GLAAD staffer's most 'liked' comment
NOM solicits participation, deletes GLAAD staffer's most 'liked' comment [GLAAD]
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