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Anti-gay columnist: Straight porn, straight anal sex are 'homosexual acts'

by Jeremy Hooper

A writer named Jason Salamone has written a column for Matt Barber's silly little Barbwire site. In it, he compares homosexuality to drug abuse, suggests gay people must enter into AA-like programs, and is generally rife with nuttiness, even by Barbwire standards.

But while the same old nonsense is not worth addressing, I do find the following two claims particularly novel. And in fact, I truly hope the anti-LGBT movement starts making them more often:

Screen Shot 2014-12-01 At 9.12.49 PmIf a man has anal sex with a woman, he is committing a homosexual act on a woman, being that in homosexual acts the rectum is always the substitute for the vagina, so think about that next time you want to degrade your wife…even if she says she enjoys it…that doesn’t make the act less degrading or more right.
Pornography, even man-woman porn is homosexual in nature, because it takes sex and degrades it to be about self pleasure for the viewer. Homosexuality is about an attraction towards “sameness.” And since pornography directs pleasure towards self-arousal, and does so initially even when watched with a partner, it has the same narcissistic element to it. This is difficult to explain and hard for the average person to understand at first, but as you continue your walk towards being more Christ-like, it will begin to make sense.
For Our Friends Who Call Themselves ‘Gay' [BarbWire]

Knocking straight men for a very popular sex act and an even more popular player in their internet history folders? Why stop there, Barbwire folks? Throw in pizza and beer and football, too, so you can flip all remaining holdouts our way!

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