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Audio: Jim Garlow shouldn't have gay sex since he's apparently terrible at it

by Jeremy Hooper

For Jim Garlow, a prominent pastor, conservative activist on the front lines in major battles like Proposition 8, and a recent invitee at the Vatican's recent anti-gay political conference, being in a same-sex marriage is just like living in a house with bad pipes and hazardous wiring. Right Wing Watch brings us the hilariously desperate clip:

"All the people who advocate for so-called same-sex marriage ought to have to live in homes in which the plumbers who built them, or the electricians who built them, didn't understand the difference between the male and female end of piping or plumbing or of electrical as well and see how that home works out for them."


Nah, Jim; we're good. My house is gorgeously illuminated, its water cleanses and disposes as it should, and the family that lives within it is as real and wonderful and happy and American—and *legally recognized*. The architect seems to have known what he or she was doing.

Now, sir, could you please go back to your own (second) marriage and stay out of my home. That goes for the the bathroom, the electric panel, and especially the bedroom.

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