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HILARIOUS: Model from 'ex-gay' twins billboard is 'out, proud gay man,' not a twin
It's no surprise that the "ex-gay" movement uses stock photo models, considering how few spokespeople they have and how many past participants have come out to repudiate the whole charade. But this is just hysterical:
NBC12 - Richmond, VA News (h/t: J.M.G.)
Yes, Christopher Doyle, the photo does matter. The billboard very clearly implies that the featured gents are twins who help "prove" that people aren't born gay. The fact that the featured participant is actually not a twin, and is in fact personally slighted and disgusted by your agenda, is very pertinent.
Chris, it'd be kind of like it you all put up scientifically-discredited junk science and called it credible research. Oh wait a minute...