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This org. is trying to shape *civil* marriage policy

The National Organization For Marriage no longer pretending its objections to civil marriage equality is based on anything other than personal faith: [NOM's official Twitter account] In twenty-four hours, NOM has only managed to squeeze out fifteen ReTweets. Good to...

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AFA's top spokesman, thinker: Make adultery and homosexuality illegal

I will remind you that Bryan Fischer is the Director of Issues Analysis for the American Family Association. I will remind you that he is enough of a mainstream conservative to have been invited to speak immediately after then-candidate Mitt...

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Professional discriminator plans professional visionary's hellacious eternal retirement

Peter LaBarbera, a man who has built his entire career around condemnation of and discrimination against LGBT people, is now going after Apple CEO Tim Cook (pic). According to LaBarbera, the proudly gay leader of one of the world's most...

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Major companies push 11th Circuit to make only smart, acceptable decision

Amazon, AT&T, Bloomberg, CBS, Cox Enterprises, Delta, Deutsche Bank, eBay, Electronic Arts, General Electric, Kimpton, Levi Strauss, Marriott, Oracle, Pfizer, Staples, Symantec, Target, Viacom, and a handful of other major corporations are standing in support of equality. They've all joined...

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College professor and anti-gay activist Robert Oscar Lopez yet again lies about me—in a legal document

In the couple of years that viciously anti-gay activist Robert Oscar Lopez has been on my radar, I have sent precisely one email to precisely one person pointing out how extreme this college professor's quote bank actually is. This is...

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AP report: FDA to recommend end on gay blood ban! (*UPDATED with big restriction)

Huge and unexpected news on this Christmas Eve Eve: Yay. I knew Santa would listen when I asked him for less stigma and more opportunities to spend afternoons getting woozy for a good cause. *** *Eh, it's not as good...

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Video: Another ad reflects changing (already changed?) 'Tide'

"The revolution will be televised," they often say. But it's when a minority population makes its way into for-profit advertising, frequently and without fuss or "explanation," that the shift goes from revolutionary to simply the status quo inclusion that it...

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Anti-gay NOM compares its discriminatory cause to baby Jesus's early infant care

At this Christmas time, it's important for Christians everywhere to remember that banning gay people from civil marriage is the reason for the season: When Jesus came into the world, it was with nothing. No money. They had to move...

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SCOTUS to begin new year by pondering outdated inequality

We won't have to wait long into 2015 to learn whether the US Supreme Court will take a marriage case stemming from either the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals' or a Louisiana federal judge's rulings against equality. SCOTUS will consider...

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Video: TLC to air show about humans' ability to suppress truth in name of religion

By now you've probably heard about this show: Some people think this is offensive, particularly since the network airing it is the same one that has turned the Duggar family into stars who use their outsized platforms to lobby against...

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AFA, LaBarbera think being publicly pro-gay is still a liability; how quaint

Peter LaBarbera and the American Family Association's One News Now apparently think this kind of headline is still a thing in 2014 America: [SOURCE] Wait, you mean to tell me that Walmart, like virtually every other prominent American brand and...

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Video: Blended family with lesbian moms heads Tylenol holiday ad

Norman Rockwell's descendants worked with Tylenol to create new ads honoring family this holiday season. Honoring family of course includes honoring homes with same-sex couples, their children, and their cherished loved ones: Anti-gay activists will surely go crazy. But you...

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NOM's new conspiracy theory: Census Bureau making changes to hide marriage equality's ill effects

After a well-rounded review of its annual American Community Survey, the US Census Bureau determined that seven non-mandatory questions fell into the "Low Benefit" category. Of these seven questions, five involve questions about marriage. Now the Bureau is asking the...

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Video: Voices from our pro-equality future (present?)

This video, filled with students from all walks of life voting unanimous support for marriage equality, comes from an unnamed high school in New Jersey: Sure, this comes from young people in a blue state. And yes, it's possible that...

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Anti-gay orgs continue to offend children of single parents, gay parents, more

NOM and an anti-LGBT organization out of Texas are pushing this photo meme for the holidays: No, children deserve love. Compassion. Care. An environment that can meet their needs and work toward their success. There are some truly horrible mothers...

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Apple CEO gives 'substantial' sum to HRC's southern state project; may or may not have used ApplePay

Tim Cook, the out gay head of the company responsible for at least one of the devices likely in your house (if not pocket) right now, has made an undisclosed donation to the Human Rights Campaign's campaign to score LGBT...

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Conservative proposes new way for vendors to tell gay customers they don't care for them

Conservative Princeton lecturer Russell Nieli is proposing a new approach for the bakers, florists, and assorted vendors who would prefer to turn away same-sex couples who seek their business, but who often find themselves running afoul of the law when...

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NOM versus David Koch

NOM dares to go where few conservatives are willing to go. They are taking on the Koch brothers: Recently, the news reported that David Koch—the conservative boogeyman of the left—will be interviewed by ABC's Barbara Walters for her "The 10...

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Anti-equality baseball player calls reporter 'a prick' for asking about his anti-equality advocacy

Minnesota Twins outfielder Torii Hunter recently recorded a political ad in which he used his baseball fame to advocate for a (failed) gubernatorial candidate and, specifically, his anti-equality stances. This recording followed 2012 comments in which Hunter said he'd be...

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Audio: Josh Duggar defends discrimination, invalidates own point

On Monday's edition of Tony Perkins' daily radio show, anti-LGBT activist and reality TV personality Josh Duggar showed up to chat with guest host Richard Land about the recent repeal of an LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination ordinance in Fayetteville, Arkansas (both Josh...

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Audio: AFA's Fischer names 'homosexual agenda' as 'greatest threat to liberty' in American history

Move over, the many and myriad actual oppressions that have wounded America in our nearly two hundred forty year history. According to the American Family Association's Director Of Issues Analysis and star radio host, the fight for gay equality is...

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Audio: AFA Radio caller calls for executing gays; FRC-employed host doesn't even challenge him, much less condemn

When a caller phones in to your radio show and calls for the execution of gay people, you should be sure to repudiate that call for genocide in the firmest way possible. Right? And this is particularly true if you...

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NOM president's other organization is 'in trouble' (his words) too

National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown sends out one of the most desperate fundraising pitches I've ever seen: I'll remind you that NOM, under Brian's guidance, has become riddled in debt and has a remarkably terribly track record. And...

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FRC prays to take LGBT Americans out of nondiscrimination law

It's not enough to fight us in legislatures or courts. The Family Research Council is now literally praying that "the sexual proclivities of a small minority" be taken out of nondiscrimination ordinances, at least when they person who wishes to...

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In lieu of typing 'Look how desperate we are' over and over again, NOM president wrote this instead

National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown has seen the future, and he's back to breathlessly spook those who he and his cash-strapped organization so desperately need to give them money: I sit silently holding the note my sixteen year...

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I'll remind you that FRC also compared our marriages to human-horse unions

Today a picture is floating around the internet of a Mississippi pastor who is drawing a direct comparison between same-sex marriage and man-on-horse unions: [SOURCE] And of course people are calling it outlandish and crazy and nutso. Because it is....

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GLAAD: Scott Lively claims homosexuality worse than mass murder 'from God's perspective'

Scott Lively claims homosexuality worse than mass murder 'from God's perspective' [GLAAD]

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HILARIOUS: Model from 'ex-gay' twins billboard is 'out, proud gay man,' not a twin

It's no surprise that the "ex-gay" movement uses stock photo models, considering how few spokespeople they have and how many past participants have come out to repudiate the whole charade. But this is just hysterical: NBC12 - Richmond, VA News...

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New research: Sitting down and correcting misinformation is effective at correcting misinformation

New research is lending more evidence to what we've long known: that when it comes to changing hearts and minds in the direction of equal rights, there's no topping the efficacy and staying power of the in-person conversation. The New...

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Southern Baptist leader Albert Mohler reminds us that marriage equality is inevitable

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler wrote a column all about how his religious freedom is supposedly being stifled by LGBT rights. Because of course he did; people on his side of the debate rarely write anything else these...

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DC ban on 'ex-gay' junk science brings Tony Perkins back to his old school animus

For the past year or so, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins has kind of been on his best behavior, at least when it comes to his anti-LGBT rhetoric. I'm not sure if it was the election and the need...

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Ryan Anderson's priest/preacher conflation shows fundamental misunderstanding of nondiscrimination law

Anti-LGBT activist Ryan T. Anderson took to the blog of his employer, the Heritage Foundation, and further proved that his overall political goals exceed well beyond his key cause of stopping equal civil marriage rights for loving, deserving, peaceful American...

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Video: ADF features pro-discrimination advocate in latest fake 'victim' video

Lexington, KY, has an ordinance protecting against discrimination in the areas of Race, Color, Religion, National Origin, Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity, and/or Disability. But of course some anti-LGBt Christians and their political supporters believe they have some sort of entitled right...

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Video: Texas Baptist preacher rails against 'dirty f*ggots' who 'are all pedophiles'

Another soft and tender moment from the deep well of Baptist animus: "I'm not going to let any of these dirty faggots inside my church," Romero said. "They are all pedophiles ... They're always trying to rape and hurt other...

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NOM's bald-face lies about the 2014 midterms

In a hilariously desperate pitch letter (that many of you have sent me today precisely because of its hilarious desperation), National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown makes the following claim: ...the National Organization for Marriage was 100 percent successful...

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Video: Meet the self-avowed 'homosexual' who fought to repeal Fayetteville, AR nondiscrimination law

Last night, the town of Fayetteville, Arkansas, narrowly repealed its LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination law (by around five hundred votes). Thomas "I am a homosexual" Baker helped make that happen: Post by Repeal 119. [SOURCE] Love and respect yourself, Thomas. You are...

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GLAAD: NOM solicits participation, deletes GLAAD staffer's most 'liked' comment

NOM solicits participation, deletes GLAAD staffer's most 'liked' comment [GLAAD]

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GLAAD: Accurate representation isn't 'indoctrination'

Accurate representation isn't 'indoctrination' [GLAAD]

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Another former 'ex-gay' activist repents

Christian Schizzel worked in the "ex-gay" movement, particularly with Janet Boynes Ministries and the Bachmann (yes, that Bachmann) & Associates counseling centers. He also appeared in the media on shows like "Dr Drew" and "Our America with Lisa Ling" talking...

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Audio: Mark Regnerus says marriage equality is 'symbolic grab,' Christians must 'retake matrimony'

Mark Regnerus, who tried to portray himself as a mainstream researcher but who we now know to be a dedicated anti-gay activist, made yet another appearance on activist Catholic radio's "The Drew Mariani Show." This time, after first repeating the...

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Extremely ineffective CA group thinks it can convince other state governors to stop marriage equality

California Campaign For Children and Families is so fringe that even the Proposition 8 campaign of 2008, which was itself teeming with extremely anti-gay voices, publicly rebuked the organization. Yet for some reason this organization, headed by over-the-top activist Randy...

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NOM asks for inspiring marriages, equality activists answer!

The National Organization For Marriage posted a confusing word salad of a photo meme, coupled with a request for tales of inspiring marriages. In a hilarious turn, all of the top/most liked comments come from gay activists like John Becker...

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Hey, disingenuous discriminators—stop saying pro-equality rulings 'ignore voters'

You can click the link and listen to the same ol', same ol' audio clip if you want. But what I really want to talk about is this headline, which is repeated in the clip as well and is a...

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2013 hate crime stats: In bias-based incidents, sexual orientation second only to race

The FBI's 2013 hate crimes stats were just released. Another stark reminder of how much we must still look out for one another: [] Tell me again how we're just making it all up, anti-gay activists.

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Video: #5DaysOfEquality honors 2013's briefly bettered Australia, couples who benefited from it

For five days last year, the Australian Capital Territory allowed same-sex couples to marry, and thirty-one took advantage of this window. Even though those marriages were voided in law, GLAAD wants these couples to know they're not forgotten. They're enlisting...

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Video: Baptist pastor doubles down: Anyone who is not heterosexual should die

Arizona pastor Steven Anderson, a Baptist, wants gay people dead so we can have an "AIDS-free Christmas." He's proudly sticking by that claim, insisting that he wants anyone who is not heterosexual to be executed: You remember back when Arizona...

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Audio: Jim Garlow shouldn't have gay sex since he's apparently terrible at it

For Jim Garlow, a prominent pastor, conservative activist on the front lines in major battles like Proposition 8, and a recent invitee at the Vatican's recent anti-gay political conference, being in a same-sex marriage is just like living in a...

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Audio: Tony Perkins notes how anti-gay, political Vatican #Humanum conference really was

I wrote and tweeted quite a bit about the anti-LGBT conference that the Vatican recently held, and I specifically noted how shockingly political the whole thing was. Now anti-LGBT politico Tony Perkins, of the invited guests of the conference, helps...

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Video: Just three minutes of young people backing marriage equality; merry Christmas!

Even the people who are personally opposed (or just acting like teenagers) are in favor of all equality. This is your very near future, America:

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AFA's star spokesman: Homosexuality is like (alleged) rape

The latest musing from the American Family Association's Director of Issues Analysis: Being gay is like the drugging and sexual abuse allegations plaguing a popular entertainer's legacy: But hey, it's not like GOP superstars from Fox News anchors all the...

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