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NOM versus David Koch

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2014-12-17 At 10.08.56 PmNOM dares to go where few conservatives are willing to go. They are taking on the Koch brothers:

Recently, the news reported that David Koch—the conservative boogeyman of the left—will be interviewed by ABC's Barbara Walters for her "The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2014" special scheduled to air on Sunday.

In the interview, he unequivocally states, "I'm basically a libertarian, and I'm a conservative on economic matters, and I'm a social liberal." It harkens back to a 2012 Politico article where he said, "I believe in gay marriage," pointing out that he openly supported legal abortion as a Libertarian party candidate in 1980.

Marriage Supporter, this is exactly the problem. Millionaires and billionaires are lining up in support of this radical social agenda... even on the right! And I need your help to stop it!
FULL: What We're Up Against [NOM]

The special actually aired this past Sunday, not this coming Sunday. But facts are hard for NOM.

You know what else is hard for NOM? Relevance. But if they think going after the Kochs is the way to find some, then please allow me to get out of their way while the stir up some poorly matched, go-nowhere, downright hilarious in-fighting!

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