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Southern Baptist leader Albert Mohler reminds us that marriage equality is inevitable
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler wrote a column all about how his religious freedom is supposedly being stifled by LGBT rights. Because of course he did; people on his side of the debate rarely write anything else these days. That's because they are on an all-out (and obvious) PR campaign in which they are trying to sell the "we're the victims" concept to an American inclined to roll its eyes the moment they hear the wacky idea that people who've spent decades trying to subjugate a minority population's rights are somehow the injured parties in this civil rights conversation.
Anyway, since my patience for the "victims" game is an all-time low, I'm not going to talk about that part of Mohler's commentary. I am, however, going to note his reinforcement of one key truth, which is that full, unfettered, fifty-state marriage equality is now virtually guaranteed. The other shoe has dropped, admits Mohler:
In the Proposition 8 (Hollingsworth v. Perry) and Defense of Marriage Act (United States v. Windsor) cases in 2013, the line was extended to advancing the momentum toward the total normalization of homosexuality and the legalization of same-sex marriage. In , Justice Antonin Scalia announced that the imposition of legalized same-sex marriage coast-to-coast was now inevitable. He accused Justice Kennedy, who wrote the majority opinion, and his colleagues of failing in their willingness to state this boldly. As Scalia anticipated, all we are waiting for now is for the other shoe to drop.
On Oct. 6, 2014, that shoe effectively has dropped. This day in U.S. legal history will be remembered for many years to come as a landmark day toward same-sex marriage. It was the day the nation’s highest court took one of the lowest paths of least resistance. It now seeks to maintain its prestige by avoiding the backlash the Court experienced in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade in 1973. It wants to have its victory without taking further risks to its reputation.
FULL: Erotic liberty v. religious liberty: How the sexual revolution is eclipsing the First Freedom [SBTS]
I mean, at this point anyone who cares to maintain credence as a socio-political commentator pretty much has to state the obvious about marriage equality or else risk the trust readers place in his or her insight. But it's still lovely to hear diehards like Mohler moving into this stage. If they can't learn to accept us and our families and the idea that we too deserve to be treated like American citizens, then the least they can do is accept the fate that has rightly befallen the pro-discrimination cause.