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|| January 7, 2015 »
The 114th: First U.S. Congress to be sworn in with majority of seats residing in marriage equality states
As U.S. Congress is sworn in for its one hundred fourteenth time, we should note a big of history. In the United States House of Representatives, 298 of the 435 will now be held by members who hail from marriage...
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You guys, Brian Brown is *DEMANDING* SCOTUS finally do him a solid
Brian Brown, National Organization For Marriage president, will never get it. Or more accurately, he likely does get it, he just knows he has to mislead whatever supporters he has left: "It is simply illegitimate for the opinion of a...
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Polls and referenda and strategizing now for naught, Maggie Gallagher looks to God
Maggie Gallagher, the person who is most likely to serve as the face of the 21st Century's marriage inequality movement, has long balked at the idea that anything, including marriage equality, is inevitable. But now that it marriage equality, in...
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