« January 28, 2015 ||
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|| January 30, 2015 »
FRC prays for judges, governors, legislators to ignore marriage equality rulings
From the Family Research Council's latest round of prayer targets: [FRC] Would be funny. Would be, that is, if judges, governors, and legislators ignored FRC. Sadly they do not.
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Read: AFA plays innocent about making Bryan Fischer a known pundit; no one's buying it
Here's the American Family Association saying they repudiate (a small percentage of) the nasty rhetoric former senior spokesperson Bryan Fischer, in an obvious attempt to coax the Southern Poverty Law Center into removing the AFA from its active hate groups...
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Yes you will coexist with civil marriage equality, Tony Perkins; that's a demand, not a request
On yesterday's edition of his viciously anti-gay radio show, proudly discriminatory commentator Tony Perkins demanded that people like him will never accept marriage equality regardless of the fact that we already have thirty-six* states, full federal rights, and the very...
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