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UPDATED (all three have dropped out): Fox News anchor, Coors exec, 'Forrest Gump' actor headline summit of anti-gay Catholic org.
Legatus is a very anti-gay organization of Catholics. Here are just two examples of the views that this organization pushes out to its members:
It’s impossible to see homosexual unions as being in line with God’s intentions for marriage since the product of intercourse is not fruitful. Along with masturbation, fornication, and adultery, homosexuality is a selfish act that cannot fulfill the divinely ordained purpose of the reproductive powers. The Church teaches that God instituted the sacrament of Marriage, and only He has the authority to change the nature of marriage. Neither the Church nor the state has the competence to alter the substance of marriage or the family. Attempts by civil government or the courts to alter the law in favor of same-sex unions distort the true meaning of marriage, which has existed for thousands of years.
The Church encourages people who suffer from the disorder of same-sex attraction to live a chaste and celibate life. Chastity is required of all people, no matter their state in life — single, married, or celibate. It is a virtue in which our thoughts, words, and actions are modest. Celibacy is a discipline by which one does not marry.
What About Same-sex Unions? [Legatus]
(*Note: This column ran in the same issue as a profile of NOM president Brian Brown, who is a member of Legatus)
There are many reasons why people suffer from SSA disorder. Some “discover” this tendency within them. Others grow into it through pursuits of pleasure or experimentation. Some use it to punish themselves or others. Whether the disorder has some deep, unknown roots over which one has virtually no control, or whether it’s a developed disorder resulting from bad choices, it leaves an individual disposed toward activities and a lifestyle that are dangerous — physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Fortunately there is hope for those who suffer from the disorder. The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality reports that significant numbers of homosexual persons have undergone treatment and had their sexual drives properly ordered. These findings are a beacon of hope to those suffering from SSA, as well as for their family and friends who desire their happiness and good health. Finally, for those who for whatever reason cannot be cured, there is a support group known as Courage to help them live safe, moral, chaste lives. Those who continue to suffer from this disorder can find true help through an orientation toward their Savior and Redeemer, “the Orient from on High,” and the life that He offers them in Himself.
Sexual ‘disorientation’ [Legatus]
You might remember that I helped convince Bob Newhart from appearing at a benefit for this anti-gay organization. Turns out it's time once against for the organization's annual summit. This year, the lineup of high profile people willing to cater to this kind of viewpoint includes actor Gary Sinise, Fox News' chief political anchor Bret Baier, and the chairman of the MolsonCoors and MIllerCoors brewing company, Pete Coors:
[Legatus Summit]
Not the choice I would make if I wanted gay people to drink my beer, wanted political people to see me as unbiased, or wanted my acting to take focus above my views.
*UPDATE: Sinise has decided to withdraw. His publicist sent over this statement:
For me, faith has been a catalyst for my mission to honor the men and women who serve in our nation’s military. When I accepted the invitation to speak at the Legatus conference on Veterans issues and share my story, I was unaware of the controversy surrounding some of the participants, and their views on personal matters. I don’t want my mission—which is designed to be unifying—to be disrupted by these, or any controversies, and therefore have decided to withdraw.
I should say here that I never contacted anyone involved. They made this decision after simply becoming aware of my post. I do think it's a good move.
***UPDATE2: And now Fox News' Baier is out too: Bret Baier Withdraws from Legatus Summit [Ad Week]
***UPDATE3: And now all three have dropped out: Pete Coors Drops Out of Anti-Gay Summit [J.M.G.]