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Video: Hey, Focus on the Family's Citizenlink—get your egos out of our marriage equality!
It's one thing for the anti-equality, anti-LGBT, anti–church/state separation religious right to keep pretending that nondiscrimination practices toward LGBT customers are some sort of undue burden. But if nothing else, I really wish they would stop acting as if these...
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Video: Hallmark features openly in love couple (who happen to be lesbians)
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NOM's 'International Org. For Marriage' gets an Executive Director
For the past few years, the National Organization For Marriage has been paying Opus Fidelis, a Catholic technology firm, to handle much of its social media and web work. The head of Opus Fidelis is David Lejeune, a man with...
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FRC prays for judges, governors, legislators to ignore marriage equality rulings
From the Family Research Council's latest round of prayer targets: [FRC] Would be funny. Would be, that is, if judges, governors, and legislators ignored FRC. Sadly they do not.
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Read: AFA plays innocent about making Bryan Fischer a known pundit; no one's buying it
Here's the American Family Association saying they repudiate (a small percentage of) the nasty rhetoric former senior spokesperson Bryan Fischer, in an obvious attempt to coax the Southern Poverty Law Center into removing the AFA from its active hate groups...
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Yes you will coexist with civil marriage equality, Tony Perkins; that's a demand, not a request
On yesterday's edition of his viciously anti-gay radio show, proudly discriminatory commentator Tony Perkins demanded that people like him will never accept marriage equality regardless of the fact that we already have thirty-six* states, full federal rights, and the very...
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Report: The AFA has fired Bryan Fischer as Director of Issue Analysis
Astute readers will note that whenever I've written about infamously over the top anti-LGBT activist Bryan Fischer, I've most always referred to him by his prominent title at the American Family Association. It's pretty obvious why I've done this: because...
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Video: These Alabama anti-gay protestors sound exactly like parody versions of Alabama anti-gay protestors
Federal judges are wrong. Because ABOMINATION:
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Audio: Activist judge Roy Moore gives rambling, unconvincing interview to Tony Perkins
Roy Moore, Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and longtime conservative activist, is certainly enjoying a few minutes of notoriety from his latest publicity stunt. If you haven't heard, that's the one where he's insisting that Alabama government can...
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NOM reveals plan for taking people's money even though they've clearly lost
National Organization for Marriage president Brian Brown has big plans for how he will justify his employment even though his shockingly ineffective and fail-prone organization has actually helped exacerbate his movement's losses: I have to tell you, I am really...
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Openly anti-gay Chief Justice of AL Supreme Court vows to openly defy marriage equality
His name being so associated with conservative activism, it's easy to forget that Roy Moore is actually the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. And here is his latest transgression: In a letter to Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley, Moore...
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AFA's Director of Issues Analysis: LGBT activists possess 'unvarnished energy of Satan himself
For the most part I now ignore people like Bryan Fischer and their desperate cries in a thickening political wilderness. However, sometimes we need a reminder that this man has spoken at top conservative conferences alongside GOP presidential candidates: [RWW]...
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Wait, FRC has been able to 'uphold natural marriage'? That's news to all non–cave dwellers!
In its latest fundraising pitch, the Family Research Council highlights many things that the anti-LGBT org. is supposedly doing. Many of them are stretches of the truth because, well—it's FRC. But this highlighted one is just a blatant lie: Of...
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Because when am I not calling up Fox News personalities to do my bidding?
Latest conservative theory about me, my power, and the one ten minute post I wrote about the Legatus Summit: [Fringe talk show host Cliff Kincaid] later called on Shepard Smith to “come out of the closet,” accusing the Fox News...
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Anti-equality conservative admits GLAAD CAP is 'smart' and 'effective'
Brandon McGinley, a senior staffer with the Pennsylvania Family Institute who also writes for a number of conservative (and largely anti-LGBT) publications, has admitted that GLAAD's Commentator Accountability Project (which I created with a small team at GLAAD) is "smart"...
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You know what's not presidential? Like at all?
Answer: Suggesting that vendors who have a problem with a minority population might put some form of poison in said minority population's baked goods if they get too uppity with their desire for nondiscrimination in public accommodation: [Ben] Carson also...
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Inevitable justice temporarily delayed in Alabama
In order to give Alabama's Republican Attorney General "time to present his arguments to the Eleventh Circuit so that the appeals court can decide whether to dissolve or continue the stay pending appeal (assuming there will be an appeal.), Judge...
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Read: Fed. judge strikes Alabama marriage ban; no stay on ruling
Breaking and huge: 1:14-cv-00208 #53 Alabama Opinion and Order by Equality Case Files 1:14-cv-00208 #54 by Equality Case Files The judge is a George W. Bush appointee. Amazing. *** *UPDATE: Conservative US Senator Jeff Sessions, long against marriage equality and...
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Derisively remembering when full equality was in 'Jeopardy!'
Joe Jervis (himself working from a Slate story) tips us to this, a mocking answer from a recent edition of the high-minded game show Jeopardy!: Jeopardy! Mocks Civil Unions [J.M.G.] The pointed tone is clear. And it's just an appetizer...
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When all else fails, demand your letters are capitalized
You guys, their truth is capitalized. For reals. A gay man who chooses both celibacy and anti-gay political activism has insisted so: [NOM] But you know what? Im actually going to concede that those of us who are writing history...
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Major Iowa caucus player calls on next President to 'politely reject unjust SCOTUS opinions'
The article itself is un-bylined, but an embedded video features The Family Leader head Bob Vander Plaats delivering a truncated version of the same message. That message: Same-sex marriage is anti-God and everyone should just ignore the Supreme Court if...
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Photo: Supreme Court's Thomas poses with NOM's cofounder, major equality opponent
Robert George is the cofounder (along with Maggie Gallagher) of the National Organization For Marriage and one of the authors of the Federal Marriage Amendment. Ryan T. Anderson is a Heritage Foundation staffer and a top voice against marriage equality....
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Wait, even NewsMax is now pushing back against anti-gay spin?!
This video is a few days old, but I just discovered it and want to post. It's not so much that I find anything that Florida anti-gay activist John Stemberger says to be all that notable (although his claim that...
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Deflating the anti-gay right's latest 'gotcha!'
The anti-equality activists know that the civil rights narrative makes them look bad, which is why they've always tried to flip the script. Discriminating against loving same-sex couples became "protecting marriage" as a way to deny the obvious and make...
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POTUS hails marriage equality in State of the Union speech
From remarks as prepared: "I've seen something like gay marriage go from a wedge issue used to drive us apart to a story of freedom across our country, a civil right now legal in states that seven in ten Americans...
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Well I expected this headline from NOM eventually...
...just not so soon: This Is It [NOM] Ah, bye, Brian. Was it as good for you as it was for me? (Answer: Of course it wasn't.) Okay, just kidding. This isn't Brian's farewell post (a few years beyond where...
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Bret Baier: Legatus Magazine's anti-gay 'cure' doesn't 'seem to line up with the loving, accepting Church that I know'
Anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera has posted an email from Fox News anchor Bret Baier confirming that some of the Legatus Magazine text that I initially highlighted was, in fact, a big reason why he pulled out from the upcoming Legatus...
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Can anti-equality conservatives make a point without invoking Nazis, Marx, Communism?
I haven't mentioned Tony Perkins' so-called "State of the Family" event, which he delivered last night in D.C., because, quite frankly—it was a bit of a mess. It started with this majorly overplayed introduction that made Tony Perkins seem like...
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Antonin Scalia keynoted event at anti-equality diocese; doesn't want it heard, apparently
In mid 2014, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a reliable and notorious opponent of LGBT rights, keynoted an event for the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, VA. Scalia's son Paul, who has long moonlighted with Catholicism's version of an "ex-gay" movement...
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Finally, NOM makes a smart business move
The United States Supreme Court is supposed to issue its likely landmark ruling on marriage equality in June of this year. The National Organization For Marriage only bought up its domain name through June of this year: [Domain Tools] Foreshadowing.
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Your annual reminder that MLK's wife believed King's dream included gay rights
If marriage equality opponents are right, then no one knows a man's heart better than his wife. That being so: [SOURCE for first quote] [SOURCE for second quote] [SOURCE for third quote] [SOURCE for fourth quote] [SOURCE for fifth quote]
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Desperate anti-equality group calls on Kagan, Ginsburg to sit out marriage cases
Judges have the power to perform weddings. Weddings between Americans of the same-sex are legally recognized in thirty-six states (plus D.C.) and under federal law. Ergo, judges have every right to perform such unions in such states where they are...
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Video: FRC's Perkins equates same-sex marriage with incestuous unions
If Fox News wanted a rational debate on marriage, it wouldn't have booked a man who has years of saying outrageous things about LGBT people. But since they did book Tony Perkins, who is not a lawyer, to debate actual...
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BREAKING: SCOTUS grants cert to marriage cases (four consolidated)
Here we go. Seems we will be getting a more definitive marriage equality decision this term: [US Supreme Court] Get ready for your closeup, Chief Justice Roberts' civil rights legacy.
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To those fringe activists going after me for the Legatus matter
As you probably know, I dedicated about ten minutes of my life this week to writing a post about a summit that the anti-gay Legatus organization will soon hold. My post was literally nothing more than two links to examples...
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Huckabee, Santorum join professional 'ex-gay' as conservative conference headliners
Janet Boynes is a professional "ex-gay" activist who runs a ministry for people "struggling with unwanted same sex attraction." And in just a few weeks, you can see Janet when she serves as one of the five confirmed headlining speakers...
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Wanna debate marriage law on Fox News? (A) Study hard and pass the bar or (B) Have negative opinions about a minority population
Yes, he's the leader of an organization that the respected Southern Poverty Law Center lists on its relatively short lineup of anti-LGBT hate groups. Yes, that's because he has said absolutely heinous things about LGBT families, LGBT minors, and just...
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CO's former AG makes ludicrous distinction between sixties discrimination and its modern iteration
Colorado's now-former Attorney General (as of yesterday) John Suthers, a Republican, recently gave this "explanation" for why the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was fine and good, but why the laws that protect LGBT customers today are supposedly wrong and...
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NOM pushes quote from 'ex-gay' advocate
Psychologist William F. Harley Jr admits that in his practice, he encourages "changing" gay people: But I've observed hundreds of same-sex couples in my own professional experience, and they have always stood out to me as being characteristically frustrated and...
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Billboard to distract Dallas drivers with dangerous message, junk science
The billboard company says it had no clue what the ad was about and that it will be coming down as soon as possible. Joe has the story: Dallas Gets "Ex-Gay" Billboard [J.M.G.] Two things that strike me: One, this...
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FRC's cynical, myopic framing of the American family and its current state
Next Monday, Tony Perkins, a man with one of the most anti-LGBT quotes banks in all of American politics (at least among those with mainstream access), will try to steal some of President Obama's State of the Union thunder when...
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Video: Congressmen Kelly, Labrador attempt to sell their pro-discrimination legislation
There's a lot here, and nothing all that specific to snip. But I do think it's interesting to hear what conservative members of Congress are saying as they attempt to sell pieces of (go-nowhere, time wasting) legislation that seek to...
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Tony Perkins equates #CharlieHebdo murders—as in homicide—with Atlanta employment decision
Credit where it's due: His rant is not nearly as whack as Erick Ericsson's day-of piece, in which the Fox News contributor literally compared LGBT activists and those responsible for the firing of the Atlanta fire chief with the people...
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Speaker at today's Atlanta rally: Homosexuality 'gets you totally killed in the economy of God'
Bishop Wellington Boone is one of the high-profile speakers at today's rally in support of fired Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cochran. You know, the same Wellington Boone who says that homosexuality is "in the same company with people who have...
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NOM now distributing former Atlanta fire chief's anti-gay book
Here is how The New York Times describes the anti-gay passages in the book that earned former Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cohran his current controversy: He was fired on Jan. 6 by Atlanta’s mayor, Kasim Reed, for homophobic language in...
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Megapastor T.D. Jakes aligning with extremely anti-gay Harry Jackson, Family Research Council
Over the years, famous pastor T.D. Jakes has shown discomfort when people like Oprah Winfrey have highlighted his anti-gay beliefs. In that same Oprah interview, he also denied that he is political and says he wants to be known for...
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'NY Times' smacks back another fake 'religious freedom' case
The same predictable crew of people (Todd Starnes, the AFA, Tony Perkins, the ADF) have taken an employment matter in the city of Atlanta, in which the mayor fired the fire chief over the way he distributed and handled an...
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UPDATED (all three have dropped out): Fox News anchor, Coors exec, 'Forrest Gump' actor headline summit of anti-gay Catholic org.
Legatus is a very anti-gay organization of Catholics. Here are just two examples of the views that this organization pushes out to its members: It’s impossible to see homosexual unions as being in line with God’s intentions for marriage since...
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Wild, man: American Family Association enters its third generation
In a new column, an American Family Association writer portrays homosexuality as "sexually immoral" and a "chosen lifestyle," calls on gay people to repent, and brags that a small victory for inequality in a small town in his home state...
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Stop with the false witness–bearing, Focus on the Family!
Barronelle Stutzman, a Washington state florist, denied requested service to a pair of customers simply because the wedding for which the gentlemen requested the arrangements was a same-sex union. But what does that business owner's choice become when it is...
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