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NOM reveals plan for taking people's money even though they've clearly lost

by Jeremy Hooper

National Organization for Marriage president Brian Brown has big plans for how he will justify his employment even though his shockingly ineffective and fail-prone organization has actually helped exacerbate his movement's losses:

Screen Shot 2015-01-28 At 9.25.04 Pm I have to tell you, I am really excited about our opportunities this year. We're in the best position we've been in in years thanks to the support of you and other members of NOM.

With a solid pro-marriage majority in both the House and the US Senate, populated by real marriage champions like Representatives Raul Labrador and John Fleming in the House and Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and newly elected Thom Tillis and Tom Cotton in the Senate, we are in a great position to advance critical legislation.

In fact, our federal team is already hard at work on several bills including protecting the right of every American to be free of government punishment for defending the truth of marriage in the daily lives.

In addition to work in Congress, we're also working behind the scenes to advance critical legislation at the state level, where a huge majority of pro-marriage legislators and Governors now hold office across the land.

We're also working hard to make sure the next Republican presidential nominee is a trusted conservative and marriage supporter. We'll have an announcement soon about our new presidential pledge that we will ask every candidate to sign. It could be a game-changer in the presidential contest, because it is going to put candidates' feet to the fire.
We have to organize and carry out the third annual March for Marriage — the focal point for the marriage counter-revolution... a national grassroots uprising designed to make a powerful statement that cannot be ignored by the cultural and political elites who are trying to quietly reshape our society and our most precious institution of marriage.
FULL: What Is Membership? [NOM]

So much to do, Bri. When will you find the time to buy wedding presents for all of your gay friends?

Oh, because haven't you heard? They can marry in a majority of our states, Brian. And you will never change that, big guy. That is not only a promise—it's a demand. .

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