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|| February 4, 2015 »
Audio: FRC's Tony Perkins suggests civil disobedience; says compliance with nondiscrimination = 'involuntary servitude'
Tony Perkins does this really funny thing. Whenever he's about to say something that he knows will show his truer colors, he prefaces it with some line about how "the left" and "the bloggers" are going to be all red-faced...
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Anti-gay group NOM: 'To deprive a child of [a mother and a father] is akin to orphaning them'
This is shocking rhetoric, even for the National Organization For Marriage: To state it simply, children need both a mother and a father. To deprive a child of one or the other is akin to orphaning them. Every child deserves...
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Um, isn't 'appeasement' sort of what bakers do?
While it's not the perfect word, the concept of "appeasing (wo)man" could be fairly applied to most bakers who make on-demand cakes. Customers come in with specific requests and needs, and the baker tries his or her best to meet...
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FRC goes after than dang ol' Hollywood and its willingness to portray human realities
Get off the Family Research Council's lawn, Hollywood: [FRC] Well, FRC, I guess Hollywood could make a sitcom about an exceedingly anti-gay special interest group that does thing like compare same-sex marriage to man-on-horse marriage (complete with horse graphic) or...
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If Brittany Newmark Klein wants to be a player, she should spine up and use her real name
You might remember our old pal Brittany Newmark Klein (or B.A. Newmark). She's that college lecturer who has posted jaw-dropping things about trans people on the internet, and the person whose recent Public Discourse piece had to be corrected after...
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Sweet home: 11th Circuit clears way for Alabama equality
Soon enough, same-sex couples will be able to marry in Alabama. In AL-A-BAMA: Today, February 3, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals denied Alabama's request to extend the stay in a federal judge's ruling in favor of the freedom to...
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