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|| February 19, 2015 »
Breaking-but-in-no-way-shocking: Washington florist did discriminate against gay couple
Business owners who run a public accommodation that purports to offer a certain service do not have the right to treat same-sex couples differently from opposite-sex couples, at least in jurisdictions that have shored up fair nondiscrimination protections. That's really...
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The telling way anti-equality conservatives hide behind the marriage debate
Over on the Heritage Foundation's Daily Signal, staffer Kelsey J Harkness has a piece up under the following headline: [Daily Signal] Harkness repeats the "because of his belief in traditional marriage" line in her opening. The idea being that Kelvin...
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Anti-gay Alabamans think showing up and waving signs will change the law, apparently
It's the least they could do. I mean that literally: [Sanctity of Marriage Alabama] Have at it, kids. You can even bring some shredders and destroy ten thousand copies of the United States constitution, if that feels cathartic to you....
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CPAC readies a marriage panel; its last?
The Conservative Political Action Conference, colloquially known as CPAC, gets under way next week. And just like in past years, there will be a marriage (in)equality panel: [CPAC] No surprise. The political conservatives have been politicizing this issue, from the...
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